Botanica Natural Herbal Cream



Botanica natural herbal cream is an award winning multi purpose cream that is most often used after cleansing with the botanica cleansing wash and is used on horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats and other small animals.

Can be used on cattle for flagged udders, sore teats,  black spot, cuts and tears on teats, inflamed quarters, udder sores, sunburn. It can be used after washing with cleansing wash to help clear ringworm and mange, can help prevent itching, help heal sore feet and laminitis.

Use in sheep – Sore teats (apply the cream by massaging onto teat and keep lambs away for 5 minutes, after 2-3 applications there should be a complete recovery), flagging,  dog bites, foot scald/ foot rot, Orf, fly strike and maggots, ringworm,


Use in cats, dogs and small animals- After using  Botanica wash you can apply to broken stitches, track leg in greyhounds, foot problems caused by fungal such as athletes foot, eczema and dermatitis, insect bites, flea/ tick bites, dog acne, sore pads, mange, itchy skin, ear mites, ringworm.

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Botanica Natural Herbal Cream
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