Coseicure sheep bolus:
For the supply of ionic copper, ionic cobalt, iodine and selenium to sheep at a controlled and constant rate, for up to eight months
- Continuous supply of trace elements essential for fertility and ongoing health
- No peaks or troughs in supplementation levels, which can have a detrimental effect on fertility
- Unique soluble glass formulation ensures controlled delivery of trace elements
- Rumen-available trace elements
Trace elements are essential for fertility
-ionic cobalt
The body cannot store cobalt so a continuous supply is vital
-ionic copper
Required for growth and fertility
Needed for immunity, fertility & the prevention of white muscle disease
Stimulates metabolism and promotes absorbtion of B12
Ionic copper, selenium and cobalt for sheep over 6 weeks and over 30 kg. Supplies a steady amount of ionic minerals for up to 6 months.
A glass based bolus so it needs to be heated to body temperature before use. ONLY TO BE USED IN DIAGNOSED COPPER DEFICIENCY OR UNDER VETERINARY ADVICE
Fasting Sheep for a number of hours before use is advisable