Precision Microbes (calves)



Precision microbes for calves- the best support for your calves gut 

Did you know – 70 % of immunity comes from the gut and calf scour kills almost two thirds of calves lost in Ireland in the first 10 weeks of life.

Gut immunity is controlled by billions of microbes ( the microbiome ) and precision microbes solution is the best product we have ever used to prevent and to treat digestive upsets in calves post rotavirus, ecoli, cryptosporidia and coccidiosis. For recovering calves give 50 mls for 7 days and as a preventative use 30 mls daily for 30 days. Available in 1 L, 10 L and 20 L drums and adaptors for automatic feeders are available. Liquid magic to treat and prevent scour/ maldigestion !!

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Precision Microbes (calves)
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