Spirovac (10 ml)



Did you know 95 % of all beef and 76% of dairy farms have been exposed to Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease resulting in abortion, decreased fertility and milk drop in cattle.

This is an essential vaccine if you have cows and this vaccine can be given alongside the IBR vaccine.

It can be used from one month of age subcutaneously and is safe in pregnancy. For best results have both shots given before breeding starts and don’t forget the stock bull!!!

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease which means you can get it – so protect yourself and your stock with Spirovac.

Spirovac Dosage:

2 ml lepto dose with a booster 4 to 6 weeks later given subcutaneously (under the skin)


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SpirovacSpirovac (10 ml)
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