


Vecoxan 2.5mg/ ml oral suspension for calves and lambs used to prevent and treat coccidiosis. Vecoxan allows some ocysts survive thereby enabling the animal’s own immunity. It treats eimeria crandalis and ovinoidalis in lambs and is best given at 4 to 6 weeks of age or as dictated by faecal samples.

We advise faecal samples in late June, early July as it may need to be repeated.  DO NOT GIVE VECOXAN TOGETHER WITH A WORMER as it greatly reduces its efficacy.

In calves, its eimeria bovis and zuernii and its best given at 21 days of age as a prevention and may have to be repeated depending on the infection challenge.

Vecoxan Withdrawal- zero days!


1ml per 2.5kg bodyweight in a single oral administration.

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